How to get blog post ideas in just a second easily?

Many bloggers once in their blogging journey may come with this question hat "how to get blog post ideas in just a second easily?"

But many few of them know the correct way to find the post ideas without any wasting of time and finding ideas in just a second. Because they are advanced level bloggers and pro bloggers who know every trick of blogging.

But today I am going to show you "how to get blog post ideas in just a second easily".
Yes, you have read the correct line. And I know that you are so excited now to start your blogging journey without thinking about blog post ideas.

So guys without wasting a single second let us start our steps.

Get Blog Post Ideas

Read carefully, in a day we have 24 hours in which we spend 6-7 hours sleep. Now we have 18 hours left in which we spend 10 hours in daily works and 4 hours other works.

Now we have just 4 hours in which we take our computer or laptop out to continue blogging and to post some article. 

But the main cause there is we stuck in a place where we think what to write in a post or not getting ideas to write an article.

So do not think about it, just follow my steps which I am going to show you below.


Quora is one of the best platforms to get your post ideas very easily. 

In 2020, it is the biggest platform for every blogger to get post ideas without wasting time.

Go to and you will find a search option where you can type your keyword and can get your post ideas by seeing other's questions without copying others content.


Answerthepublic is also one of the biggest platforms for finding the exact post title, post keywords, and post ideas in just a single click.

But here, on this platform, you can only search for a maximum of 3 keywords per day.

Go to and on the homepage, you will find a search option where you should write your blog keyword in which you want to find the ideas and titles

Just follow my steps to find them all.


I know now you will get shocked by reading that.

Google itself is the best platform to find your post ideas and post keywords. It is the best source to find you the best keywords and best post ideas.

Sometimes you might have observed on google that when you type some keyword on the search bar you might have observed that the next keyword comes after you write something.

And on the lower region of google, you will find the keyword ideas.

This trick is best for beginners and to find keywords.

Quick tips for writing a blog post

1.There are so many factors in writing a good and professional blog post.

2.And you should know the correct way to write a good blog post.

3. But you should write a blog on a good blogging platform.

4.  And you should know the best blogging sites to start blogging.

So these are the quick steps to write a blog post and do not forget to check out those links which are given above.

Because if you skip those articles then you cannot know the magic of writing an article on blogger and finding the best platform to start blogging.

Final Conclusion

In my opinion, you should go through, cause I was also using google on my journey but now I am using other strategies which I will show in upcoming articles.

If you are not understanding on then go with and

So guys, if you have any questions or want to know more information bout that contact e or write your question in the comment box.

Thank you